General Discussion
Games need to have the following components: a player, a graphics user interface (senses), input/output control (body), an objective, inherent resistance towards achieving the objective (difficult but not insurmountable), and a conclusion to the game. Although one can play Skyrim indefinitely and remain immersed in its world, the objective and the conclusion of the game is slaying Alduin (the dragon) to save the world. Once slain, only completionists will continue to play until all of the novel content is exhausted. Beyond that, only escapists will continue to play to avoid returning to their responsibilities in the real world (including the transcendence of it).
In life, there is the player (you and all other living beings), a sensory IO mechanism, an objective (realize your divinity), resistance (ego and the illusion of separation), and the conclusion (reunion with God). There are abundant blind alleys including but not limited to: blind adherence to indoctrinated beliefs, agnosticism, atheism (a trap for folks with "danger zone" levels of intelligence as Langan puts it), and immersion in samsara. One must come to realize God through direct experience ONLY; belief is insufficient. God can only know what it is by knowing what it's not. We are dissociated fractal fragments of the universal awareness that will be able to know what God is thanks to our stay in the game of samsara. Reunion with God is beyond anything samsara can generate since samsara is a subset of the entirety of God. Forgetting divinity is how one starts playing the game and remembering it and abiding in it is its conclusion.