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I have to keep trying to get the Truth through to humanity

Writer's picture: onesteppathonesteppath

Mathematicians are indeed trying to figure out something fundamental about reality, but math is revealing/projecting the illusion. The reality they are looking for is that which is looking (the Self).

While consciousness is engaged with symbol/language, Self Awareness is lost. This is true of all symbol/language. The language of math distracts the mathematician by presenting a puzzle. The puzzle is unknown to the mathematician; it is not recognized as a puzzle. The puzzle is THE MEANING OF NUMBERS.

"0 123456789... = Samsara" is the meaning of numbers.


The information on a road sign is intended to assist the traveler to their destination. The number system is a message intended to assist consciousness at this most important junction of Samsara. Mathematicians have mistakenly assumed the information on the sign TO BE ABOUT THE SIGN ITSELF. Mathematicians have parked the car on the side of the road and are standing in the ditch METICULOUSLY INVESTIGATING THE SIGN!

This is how math, and by extension all of science, has retarded all Spirituality and meaning from life. Math and science has has ceased the natural evolution of the species and has diverted consciousness deeper into delusion/Samsara (look at the state of humanity for fuck sake!).

I HAVE resolved the greatest philosophical question about mathematics. The proof/argument is reasonable, easy to understand, and relates to actual human experience (we know what a message is and have experienced the system of messaging).

This is more of a fact than 1+1=2, regardless of what you or anyone or everyone believes. Either I'm crazy or I'm right, and my life is perfect (to a degree most are incapable of even understanding: eg: I no longer suffer and spent hours each day sitting in bliss).

Eventually this WILL make it mainstream. The greatest revelation in history is staring you in the face. If you are unable to accept this (it's too simple to be not understood!) Truth laid before you, YOU ARE IN A DEEP STATE OF DELUSION/PROGRAMMING.

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