It stands to reason that someone who’s world-view is closer to reality will experience more happiness and less suffering than someone who’s world-view is farther from reality. We intuit that the person having a heated argument with himself on the street is having a dramatically different subjective experience than the monk sitting in meditation. Therefore, Nonconceptuality states:
“The guides that keep one on the path of truth are happiness and suffering.”
If a proposed truth does not lead you to less suffering and greater happiness, of what use is it? One who is content is not searching. One who is not content is searching. Therefore, truth is the path that reveals reality, which results in perfect contentment because that which was sought has been found.
FALSITY (deception) → ILLUSION = SUFFERING (searching)
TRUTH (reveals deception) → REALITY = HAPPINESS (conclusion)
Tracking down the source of the falsity
Consider the systems of thought throughout history that have claimed to be presenting truth: religion, philosophy, psychology, science. Is humanity experiencing less suffering because of these ‘truths’? While it is accurate to say that technological development has lessened physical suffering, it is also so that psychological suffering has more than picked up the slack. Humanity is experiencing greater mental suffering than it ever has and this suffering is increasing dramatically.
An objective perspective shows that despite all systems of thought designed to lessen suffering, the level of suffering within the human species is increasing.
If thought is presenting truth, given all of this thinking that has gone on, humanity should be progressively suffering less. Instead, we are going in the exact opposite direction. Therefore, regardless of what you believe the ‘voice from nowhere’ (thought) is doing, it can’t be expressing truth.
Given the argument presented, it is obvious that conceptual understanding does not lead to happiness. Conceptual understanding simply reveals more questions, which leads to more concepts.
A liar will tell you that a hammer is the tool for installing a screw, but that doesn’t mean you are operating on ‘truth’ while you’re pounding in a screw. The opposite of deception is truth; truth is the opposite of deception. If an originating statement is an intended conscious deception, then the acceptance and adherence of will lead to continual ignorance. When pressed for evidence for his claim, a deceiver will simply provide more narrative. Deception generates an unending fanciful story. Religion, philosophy, psychology, science, are stories that keep providing narrative…
The initial axioms of any religious, philosophical, psychological, or scientific theory are presented by the disembodied voice within awareness, and confirmed as true after the fact by the same voice. The entire logical system is then based upon these assumptions. But there is no way to prove that the initial axioms are correct. Correct relative to what? Another thought. The correctness of the entire argument is based upon the faith and belief that the initial assumption is true. For instance, 1+1=2 is believed to be ‘true’ based upon the assumption that the concept of ‘quantity’ is valid. But the ‘proof’ that confirms 1+1=2 is 360 pages of esoteric symbolism that no one truly understands.
Occam cuts those 360 pages down to one sentence: One plus one equals two because every single last one of us believes that it does.
Principia Mathematica, the base of mathematics, consists of three volumes and 1848 pages, written by two dudes. This work is no different than a hypertechnical legal document. Deception is hidden within complexity. Mathematics simply spits out information devoid of meaning. Mathematics, indeed all systems of thought are “narrative all the way”.
Life free of suffering: a case study.
If the absence of suffering is truth manifest as experience, then a person who experiences no suffering is a living expression of truth itself.
Ramana Maharshi was an India sage who lived from 1879 to 1950. His life and teaching are well documented and have not experienced the degradation that has occurred with the teachings of other enlightened beings.
Upon investigation into Ramana’s life via first-hand accounts, it is seen that he was completely free of suffering, even to the point of being impervious to physical pain.
How is this possible? How could a human being experience all happiness and no suffering? The following is his teaching on the matter:
“Happiness is born of peace. Peace can only reign when there is no disturbance. Disturbance is due to thoughts arising in the mind. When the mind itself is absent, there will be perfect peace. Unless a person has annihilated his mind he cannot gain peace and be happy.” – Talks With Ramana Maharshi, pg 453
Are you happy? Do you know? If you are actually happy in/with your life (if you are a “happy person”), it stands to reason that you should be able to simply sit in a chair, doing and thinking nothing, and be peaceful and happy in and of yourself.
“The ultimate Truth is so simple. It is nothing more than being in the pristine state. This is all that need be said. Still, it is a wonder that to teach this simple truth that there should come into being so many religions, creeds, methods and disputes among them and so on. Oh the pity! Oh the pity!”– Talks With Ramana Maharshi, pg 70.
The pristine state Ramana refers to is the state of thought-free awareness, which is called “Satchitananda” (meaning: “Being, consciousness, bliss”) in the Adviata Vedanta tradition. This state is realized by shifting the focus of attention from being ‘outwardly’ focused onto thoughts and sensations to being ‘inwardly’ focused onto the attention itself.
“Your nature is peace and happiness. Thoughts are the obstacles to realization. A thought must be quelled as soon as it arises. Whenever a thought arises do not be carried away with it.”
– Ramana Maharshi, talk 462
And herein is the important part. This theory transmits into actual experience, via the Spiritual practice of constantly turning attention inward when one notices it is outward. As thoughts are just as ‘outward’ as sensations, this practice is also the transcendence of the theory itself. When THE ANSWER is discovered, there is no reason to continue asking questions. The answer is the experience of Satchitananda, which is perfect contentment, from which there is nowhere better to go.
As Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem alludes, a logical system (thought) is incapable of verifying its own validity/truthfulness. Thought will not conclude thought. The conclusion of thinking; the silencing of the voice from nowhere, occurs when the thinker comes to this conclusion via practice.
Truth is the path that leads to reality, which is synonymous with happiness. Thought diverts that path away from fundamental reality and onto a realm (technology and institutions) created by human consciousness.
DECEPTION (thought) → ILLUSION (a separately existing independent self) = SUFFERING (taking that which is unsubstantial to be substantial). This is the path of Samsara.
Thought itself is that which is false; a deception. This state of taking the deception as reality is “Satan”, “Maya”, and “ignorance”.
The Kobayashi Maru condition is a fundamental deception. The ‘thing’/’nothing’ model is the initial assumption/axiom that props up the theory of materialism. ‘Thing’ (that which can be described by physicists) is anointed as reality by default with no potential for dethronement because if it’s not a ‘thing’ then it simply can’t exist because the only other option is ‘nothing’.
‘Nothing’ is the Kobayashi Maru condition. It is the greatest deception ever perpetrated by Satan/Maya.
‘Nothing’ is the error produced in the model when the incorrect materialist world-view is assumed to be correct. This error registers as the unanswerable questions: ‘Why is there something rather than nothing?’ and: ‘How does something come from nothing?’ The fact that they are unanswerable is a flashing ‘error’ sign, indicating that there is something wrong with the model that produced these questions. The initial assumption has been accepted as correct when it is actually incorrect, and this has pulled human consciousness into self-deception and falsity (and therefore, suffering).
The system of ‘thing’/‘nothing’ is language that has yet evolve to accommodate the evolutionary advancement in self-awareness that occurred with the advent of human consciousness. Human consciousness has evolved to the level of Self-Awareness that has recognized that Self is not the physical body and that the physical realm is not fundamental reality. Everything that has to do with ‘divinity’, ‘soul’, ‘spirit’, and the entirety of religion, is an expression of humanity’s intuition that Self is not the body.
‘Nothing’ is a lag between the evolution itself (the intuition that Self is not the body) and the language used to express this new level of Self-Awareness.
Due to the power language has over humanity, ‘nothing’ has held human consciousness back from taking the next evolutionary step. Humanity has one foot on the next wrung of the evolutionary ladder, but this Kobayashi Maru state within the language has prevented us from taking all of the weight off of the lower wrung.
The language that is the ‘thing’/’nothing’ model, is such that it does not even allow for the possibility of a phenomenon that isn’t a ‘thing’ (for clarity sake, when I say: “thing”, I mean whatever physicists tell us a ‘thing’ is. The world that physics describes is the world of ‘things’).
The way the language is set up is that if a phenomenon cannot be described by physics, then it simply does not exist. The only option to ‘thing’ is ‘nothing’ which is taken to be nonexistence. At the deepest level of the human psyche, the way in which we communicate offers no means to even discuss phenomena that cannot be detected or described by physics.
Physics is based upon the information displayed upon the measuring devices the physicists themselves have constructed. These devices have been constructed to detect what the physicist expects to find, not to detect reality. When the device produces the result that was expected, the “thing”-“nothing” language model secures that as all that can possibly be found! Well the gig is up!
The entire scientific process is instigated and governed by thought (the “voice from nowhere” in the scientist’s awareness). Initially a thought will arise within awareness: “I wonder if reality is like ‘X’.” Then the voice instructs the body how to construct a physical device that will test the prediction made by the voice. When the device interacts with the consciousness that is looking into (not necessarily, definitely, through) it via experiment, viola, it displays information that verifies the prediction that the voice made.
But there is no way to determine whether that device is detecting phenomena that were already there existing independently of the measurement, or whether it is projecting what the scientist expects to see, via the act of measuring itself.
Quantum mechanics is evidence for the latter. The measuring device is interacting directly, and exclusively, with the observer. There are no “subatomic particles”. The devices that the voice from nowhere creates, project the appearance of subatomic particles in order to convince the scientist that the voice is expressing a truth about reality; that it has validity. It’s all deception.
Physics is based upon the readouts of “measuring” (actually “projecting”) devices, and each of these devices has measuring parameters. Physicists, via the brainwashing that is physics, have programmed humanity to accept that it is impossible for any phenomena to exist beyond the measuring parameters of scientific contraptions!
Once one scrutinizes physics it all becomes laughably ridiculous! It is difficult for consciousness that has been brainwashed to see the emperor naked. It is almost impossible to see the entire empire nude!
The Kobayashi Maru condition has assisted in the concealment of this most obvious lack of reasoning. The academics that construct dictionaries reinforce and protect this delusion via the “thing”/”nothing” language model. I mean, obviously there can’t be any phenomena existing beyond the measuring parameters of scientific contraptions, because if it ain’t a “thing” as defined by academics, then it just ain’t!
The gig is up! The inquiry will not progress beyond its current stagnation until we transcend materialism and physics completely. It is time to move on and out of the delusion created and propagated by materialists. We have revealed the deception and now we move onward and leave materialists to their own devices.
The triune Fundamental Model Of Reality is the required adaptation and expansion of the outdated language required to represent humanity’s evolutionary advancement in Self-Awareness.
THE FUNDAMENTAL MODEL OF REALITY (including the illusion).
YOU mind SPIRIT body
female SELF male
MATH - 0 +
PHYSICS wave function OBSERVER particle
CHRISTIANITY holy ghost GOD Christ
TAOISM yin TAO yang
BUDDHISM emptiness IS form
TIME future PRESENCE past
EXISTENCE death LIFE birth
LANGUAGE (conventional) THING nothing
LANGUAGE (adapted) nonthing POTENTIAL thing
thought POTENTIAL sensation
This requires intuition. Nothing you have learned will assist in your ability to see that which this message is expressing. In fact, all of that stuff is exactly what this message is trying to break you out of. That’s why it’s in message form.
A message is a communication with someone (obviously there’s consciousness involved) who cannot be contacted directly. A person that is in a state of delusion will not be led out of that delusion through direct “on the nose” communication. Suppose your friend begins believing that she is Cleopatra. It does no good to simply tell her directly that she isn’t Cleopatra, exactly because of her state of delusion. This is the route that all other reality theorists have taken, as they are all in the same state of delusion.
They are all unaware that they are inescapably restricted by the Kobayashi Maru language model. The triune Fundamental Model of Reality message/model has removed the restriction. It is the singular final concluding model that all of these theories are trying to express. It is a message using that which projects the illusion (language/symbol) in order to get through to the deluded, in the delusion. This is the most nuanced of endeavors. Unfortunately, up until now, the endeavor has not been successful. The message has been unrecognized and as a result has been filed in the same category as all of the rest of the information generated via symbol/language. And so, the delusion and the suffering has continued unabated.
This theory is the revelation of the message. I wonder if you, as a representative of Cambridge University, are capable of recognizing it. From my experience dealing with academics, the chances are poor. You are at the heart of the delusion. Academia is the very propagation of the above list of theories. Every single one of them is from an academic, and every single one of them is wrong.
Each of the rows is a holographic expression of the same information. When this model is recognized as being the most fundamental possible, it is seen that the dualistic ‘other-than’ (‘thing’/’nothing’) model is not in alignment and requires amendment.
‘Thing’ is placed in the ‘positive’ column. ‘Nothing’ is replaced with ‘nonthings’ and ‘potential’. This allows for the existence of phenomena that are outside of the parameters of physical ‘measuring’ (actually projecting) devices. This is the ‘mind’ aspect. ‘Mind’ is other-than ‘thing’ and yet it exists (it is only the delusional perspective of the materialist that debates about, and even refutes, the entirety of ones own subjective experience). In the other models there is no recognition of the ‘Spirit’ aspect so the system appears to operate at an adversarial ‘other-than’, strictly dualistic level. The internal motivation for such a system – it’s engine – is constant internal conflict with itself! Unfortunately, this is the model upon which all of western society is built and operates. As a result, the legal, monetary and governmental institutions have degenerated into each of the ‘other-thans’ simply trying to annihilate the other. Hence, we are witnessing the collapse of civilization.
The triune Fundamental Model Of Reality adapts the ‘other-than’ model into the wholistic ‘other-of’ system.
The definition of concave is: “curving in.”
The definition of convex is: “curved out.”
The concave is not dependent upon the convex and the convex is not dependent upon the concave. Both the concave and convex are directly related to and dependent upon ‘curve’.
Applying the ‘thing’-‘nothing’ language model to the state of ‘curve’ would have the definition of convex as: “curving out” and the definition of concave as: “the absence of convex.” This is an exact expression of the ‘other-than’ adversarial system projected by the ‘thing’-‘nothing’ language model. This model in turn generates the modus operandi of the institutions upon which society functions. The prosecution just wants to beat the defense and the defense just wants to beat the prosecution. The Democrats just want to beat the Republicans and the Republicans just want to beat the Democrats. These institutions no longer function in any other capacity than self-preservation. All of this is due to the materialistically-biased ‘thing’-‘nothing’ model; the Kobayashi Maru condition that has human consciousness locked into this delusion.
A curve cannot be drawn using the definitions of the convex being outward and the concave being the nonexistence of concave. It’s all completely ludicrous! And yet this is the model upon which all of humanity is blindly following. Even Philip Goff.
Wikipedia describes panpsychism as a theory where “the mind is a fundamental feature of the world.” Where, how and why did ‘consciousness’ take the place of ‘mind’? I suspect this maneuver is an attempt to join mind with religion/spirituality, as is indicated by the title of this project. It may be seen clearly now that the attempt to combine mind with Spirit is a result of the Kobayashi Maru condition that automatically prohibits even the possibility for discussion about any phenomena (mind and Spirit) that are not things.
Philip Goff, the foremost panpsychist on the planet said the following on the Lex Friedman podcast on February 3, 2022:
“Consciousness is the ultimate nature of matter.”
He then contradicts this statement with the following two comments:
A. “All there is really is ultimately particles and fields. It’s just that the nature of those particles and fields is consciousness.”
B. “When the matter in my brain ceases to be ordered in a way that sustains the particular kind of consciousness, ah, I enjoy in waking life, then in some sense I I I will cease to be.”
Statement A is nonsensical and statement B is a materialistic perspective.
The details of this contest include the following: “We welcome submissions that defend or critique the usefulness of a panpsychist (understood broadly to include both micropsychism and cosmopsychism as well as panprotopsychism) framework for developing a pantheistic or panentheistic metaphysic of the divine.” I have no idea what that even means. You want us to debate whether using a panpsychist framework is useful for the inclusion of God in panpsychism (or is it micropsychism, cosmopsychism or panprotopsychism)? Is anyone wearing any clothes in this place?
Goff’s response to Lex’s final question as to the meaning of life was: “I don’t know if there is a purpose to existence.”
Let’s be honest, panpsychism has reached its cul-de-sac and is now driving in circles. No theory has ever worked and no theory will ever work, due to the ‘Kobayashi Maru’ condition. This includes all versions of all of the ‘psychisms’.
This is the heart of the problem. Philip says things like: “All there is really, is ultimately particles and fields. It’s just that the nature of those particles and fields is consciousness” because the Kobayashi Maru, dualistic, either-or condition of the ‘thing’-‘nothing’ model lacks the robustness and nuance required to adequately express the level of Self-Awareness experienced by human consciousness.
Adaptation of the statement as it applies to the triune Fundamental Model Of Reality is such:
“All there is really, is a singular Awareness. This singular Awareness is the reality, the source, from which the illusion of duality arises.”
The trap that Philip and every single one of the 220 theories are in is that none of them recognize the state of superposition itself. This is due to the removal of the ‘Spirit’ aspect of the body, SPIRIT, mind system by scientists/materialists. As a result, every single one of these theories is a different variation of the same Ponzi scheme.
Now that the Kobayashi Maru condition has been rectified, this question is resolved
“nothing” = “unicorn”.
“Nothing”/nonexistence is a fantasy that exists only as an incorrect concept.
The dualistic, adversarial, “other-than” system is an attempt to generate a motivation for life. When connection with the Divine is lost, the meaning of life goes with it. From this perspective the reason and purpose of life is to just keep living. However, as this is not the purpose of the life of “your name here”, human consciousness has designed a system that is in continual conflict with itself as to have a motivation for doing everything it does. This is why the entirety of western civilization operates on competition rather than cooperation.
This is why the American governmental, judicial and economic systems are broken beyond repair. The American governmental system has devolved into each of the two parties putting all of their focus on the destruction of the other party (hello “thing”-“nothing”). The collapse of western society, indeed of all of civilization, is unavoidable. You must see this! Do you see how what I am presenting is answering the WHY?
The reason for the life of every person is to come to the realization that each of us is the Divine. You are not the body nor the mind, nor some sort of convoluted combination of the two. You are the center column of the Fundamental Model of Reality. The only way to resolve the mind-body problem is for each individual to shift attention away from thoughts and sensations and onto God (true Self). This requires engagement. If you do not intentionally seek out that which Ramana Maharshi is showing you, you will not find the purpose of life and as a result your suffering will continue.
“Be rid of current thoughts; that is all.” – Ramana Maharshi
This paper is not formatted as per your guidelines. The writing is sloppy and unstructured in places. You may have even been offended by it.
Truth doesn’t care.
Nonconceptuality is the final concluding Truth. It does contain not one, but two, messages implanted within consciousness by the creator. Roy Dopson is the first human to correctly identify and interpret these messages.
An ex-wildland firefighter is in possession of the most important information to ever be presented to humanity.
If the religious studies department of Cambridge University is incapable of recognizing and accepting this, then not even God can help humanity.