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Updated: Feb 7, 2023

In order to resolve the paradox contained within the statement: “This statement is false”, the statement itself must be dissected into it’s fundamental constituents.

Firstly, it is necessary to recognize that the statement itself is expressed via the medium of symbol, and symbol exists in a superposition of being both “thing” and “thought”.

The words that constitute, that “make up,” the statement are physical objects that can be seen. When consciousness interacts with these physical objects, a non-physical “voice” within consciousness, is produced. The “voice in your head” constitutes the thought realm, and this realm is non-physical.

So symbol itself is in a superposition of existing both in the physical realm, and the thought realm, simultaneously. It is imperative that you see this clearly.

The statement “This statement is false” is in paradox because it explicitly reveals the state of superposition that is symbol. That is, the statement brings equal attention to the physical aspect, and the thought aspect of itself, simultaneously.

The statement itself is (made of) visually recognized physical objects. If we ask: “What is the statement?”, the answer is: “A collection of specific, visually recognizable objects.”

But the “is” can also refer to what the statement means, in relation to the thought realm. The word “false” is relating exclusively to the thought realm, as it is nonsensical to refer to a physical object as “false”. A tree is not “false” and neither are the physical symbols: “This” “statement” “is” “false”. These words, as physical objects can not be “false”. “False” can only apply to another thought. In this way, the symbol “false” can only relate exclusively to the non-physical thought realm.

So, “This statement is false” is symbol, and symbol is in a superposition of existing both as a physical thing and a non-physical thought. The “is” in the statement faces both ways. The “is” can refer to what the statement exists as, and also what the statement means. “The statement is” brings attention to the physical existence of the statement, and then the “is” abruptly flips consciousness from paying attention to the physical aspect of the statement to the thought aspect, exclusively (false can only relate to non-physical thought).

Human consciousness sees this as paradox because it takes the “truth”/reality of the thought realm to be on par with the “truth”/reality of the physical realm and this results as the two realms in stalemate. Human consciousness sees what the symbols mean to be more important than what the symbols are.

This is the work of Maya. She is attempting to transition human consciousness from accepting the physical realm of the senses as fundamental reality, to accepting that the non-physical realm of thoughts as fundamental.

Consciousness that doesn’t know how to read English will still all agree that the statement is, regardless of the meaning it is expressing. In this way, meaning is a derivative of physicality, and it is derived via symbol.

“This statement is false” is a lie. It is a suggestion put forth that the thought realm, rather than physical existence, is the final authority. The statement is suggesting that the physical existence of the statement is less substantial than the thought describing the statement.

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