“Is mathematics discovered or invented?” is considered to be the deepest, most important philosophical question about mathematics. It is the contention of this paper that an answer to the question: “Why does mathematics exhibit both discovered and invented qualities, in superposition?” is a deeper resolution to the original conventional question than a direct answer to the question. The original question reveals ignorance about what mathematics is.
The reason why the question: “Is mathematics discovered or invented?” is worded thusly, is because mathematicians feel math as being in a superposition of both discovered and invented. The question subtly introduces the assumption that math must be one or the other and then bases its enquiry on this assumption. This paper seeks to answer the question that relates directly to the experience of the mathematician, not on an assumption the mathematician takes. The mathematician feels that part of what they are engaging in is discovered (beyond her/his control) and part of what they are engaging in is created (controlled by her/him). Because the mathematician is incapable of imagining a state that exhibits both discovered and invented qualities, the way in which she/he forms the question makes the answer impossible within the framework of the question. The question "Is mathematics discovered or invented?" cannot be answered because math is a condition that is both discovered and invented. Mathematics exhibits both discovered and invented qualities simultaneously and yet mathematicians don't ask why it appears this way. Why not?
This paper is able to ask the appropriate question: “Why does mathematics exhibit both discovered and invented qualities, in superposition?” because it discovered what math is. From that understanding/model, a state emerges that exhibits both discovered and invented qualities. It came to roy dopson that the natural number system is a message and that math is the misinterpretation of that message. THEN, AFTER, LATER, roy dopson recognized that his theory's description of mathematics, describes a state that exhibits both discovered and invented qualities simultaneously.
If you are a mathematician, for God's sake, drop everything you are doing and put all of your focus on understanding this! What mathematics IS has just been revealed! This revelation resolves the question: "Why does math exhibit both discovered and invented qualities, in superposition?" It also concludes mathematics. The perspective taken upon acceptance, shows evidence that math itself is an algorithm that will never find conclusion ("halt" computationally). Gödel's incompleteness theorem is implicitly showing us that math itself is a dog chasing its tail. The Theory Of Enlightenment makes that explicit.
The most important revelation in history is staring you in the face.
To see it you must suspend all that you have learned and all of your beliefs.
The Theory Of Enlightenment states that this condition of simultaneously exhibiting both discovered and invented qualities, is due to it being the interpretation process of a discovered message. A message is created with the intent of it to be discovered. A message that has been discovered and is going through the interpretation process, is a condition that exhibits both discovered and invented qualities, in superposition. The ongoing manipulation of the information within a message, in the attempt to correctly interpret the message, manifests as the invention aspect of the superposition.
A message that has been discovered and is going through the interpretation process, is a condition that exhibits both discovered and invented qualities, simultaneously.
The Theory Of Enlightenment states that the natural number system is the message of Samsara. It is a linear expression of a cyclical process (think of a clock that goes to 9 instead of 12). The message is a map of Samsara and where human consciousness is in it. From this perspective numbers have meaning and purpose, whereas there exists no meaning or reason within the current conventional understanding of mathematics.
The number system is a message implanted within consciousness to assist consciousness out from the delusion created by symbol. In order for the message to be recognized it must be presented via symbol, which is the very system that projects the illusion/delusion. This nuanced endeavor is the same process as the de-programming of a cult member from the beliefs that have been implanted by the cult leader.
In the attempt to interpret the message (the number system) so that it adhered to the materialistic, dualistic western, science-based world view, ‘quantity’, via the 360 page ‘proof’ within Principia Mathematica, was invented. This is science’s attempt to explain WHY mathematics exists. It is an attempt to explain the reason and meaning of numbers.
And it’s wrong.
A model is supposed to make something easier to understand. An accurate model should be simple, elegant, and it should resolve the problems that present within incorrect models. The 360 page ‘proof’ does not explain to the average human, why math exists and it doesn’t resolve the question: “Why does mathematics exhibit both discovered and invented qualities, simultaneously?” How then, is it correct? It is taken to be correct because of the intensive programing procedure we call: “Learning mathematics.”
The meaning of numbers and the functioning of mathematics is clearly, simply, elegantly expressed in the Theory Of Enlightenment’s description of mathematics. It also resolves the question: “Why does math exhibit both discovered and invented qualities in superposition?”
The number system is a message that has been discovered and mathematics is the ongoing attempt to correctly interpret the message by continuing to use the initial incorrect interpretation (the invention of “quantity” via the 360 page ‘proof’) as the base. Mathematics continuing expansion into ever-deepening levels of abstraction is evidence that it is in fact, incorrect at the most fundamental level; the level of “counting”/”addition”/”quantity”.
This paper is not refuting the fact that mathematics “works”, it is stating that mathematics works as a tool of Maya/ignorance that pulls Awareness deeper into delusion. A message directly created and implanted within consciousness, by the creator, is going to be the most powerful and compact information possible. So yes, the manipulation of this information will result in the manifestation of an infinite amount of patterns. Following this path, as humanity has done, has resulted in the manufacturing of technology which has human consciousness helplessly addicted to that technology (esp. the screen).
The very specific condition of MESSAGE going through INTERPRETATION, is a state that exhibits both discovered and invented qualities, in superposition. The Theory Of Enlightenment states that the number system is the message that has been discovered and that mathematics, beginning at “counting”/”addition”, is the ongoing attempt to interpret the message by using the initial incorrect interpretation. This is a condition that resolves the question: “Why does mathematics exhibit both discovered and invented qualities?”
The description of mathematics (why it exists and it’s function) presented by the Theory Of Enlightenment, describes its state as the ongoing incorrect attempt at interpreting the message that is the number system. This is a state that exhibits both discovered and invented qualities, in superposition.
How is it not possible, then, for mathematics to be exactly this? If it cannot be proven that math can’t possibly be the incorrect interpretation of the message, and it is self-evident that the interpretation process of a discovered message exhibits both discovered and invented qualities in superposition, then why can’t the Theory Of Enlightenment be correct? It can’t be correct in the mind of the mathematician because of the bias of the mathematician’s belief system/world view. This theory will not be rejected and ignored due to insufficient evidence or lack of reasoning, it will be rejected and ignored because it reveals all that is false, and all that is false turns out to be everything that every mathematician takes to be correct.
Mathematics is, and has been, mathematicians chasing their tails. The tail is technology.
The greatest mathematician of whatever history remains, is the one that recognizes this theory as correct and presents it to the world. We are headed toward an extinction/singularity and this theory reveals the path.
There is another path, and that is Nonconceptuality.