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Jan 22, 2023
In General Discussion
The following is a very accurate analogy for what's going on within consciousness when it engages with the Fundamental Model of Reality: The message is like a stereogram; it has been there the entire time, imbedded within the information. The image will not be seen by increasing focus to gain higher and higher resolution of the information expressed. Ever. This is the path that mathematics and science has taken in order to try to interpret the message. And through school and academia, all of humanity has conjured images and patterns from its imagination, from the stereogram, but none of them are the correct vision of the implanted image. So when you engage with(in) the Trinity, current focus must be broken. All that you have been taught, all that you believe, all that you take yourself to be, must be broken. When all preconceived beliefs and learned systems of thought are suspended, the refocusing process may reveal the stereogram. Just look at the list. Focus on the center column. Just look at the model without judgement or intent. Allow the gut and intuition equal say with the head and logic. EXPANDING THE LIST This thread will be dedicated to discussion about adding new triune systems to the Fundamental Model of Reality list. If you notice a system that appears to be another holographic expression of the message, present it here and there can be discussion about it. I will take into consideration the arguments put forth and then decide to include it on the list, or to not include it. As it is with pool: house rules, and this is my house. So basically if something pops out at you as an expression of this state of superposition, then that would be a big fucking deal and you should make mention of it here please. Now please have an understanding of what a state of superposition actually is before you suggest something like a BLT sandwich. The Trinity isn't 3, it's 1 and 2 but not three. If you fully understand everything that is said under the Fundamental Model of Reality tab, the meaning of the message will become clear to you. If it is clear to you and you notice the message expressed in/as another Trinity, post it here, please. I'm including "Sat-Chit-Ananda" in the Fundamental Model of Reality thoughts POTENTIAL sensations chit SAT ananda
Dec 26, 2022
In General Discussion
This forum is the seed from which the Nonconceptuality movement grows. As the theory itself posits, quantity isn't fundamental, so the growth I speak of is not relating to number of practitioners, but rather is expressing the depth of the practice within each of those practitioners. The direction of the majority of the growth of Nonconceptuality is downward, into the roots. Each Nonconceptualist is simultaneously lessening the ignorance and suffering within themselves, and within the collective of human consciousness. Attend to the practice and allow those who are ready, come to you. There is no need to evangelize, as growth that occurs naturally turns out to be the most effective in the long run. If you have noticed a change in your understanding of the world and of the behavior of humanity via the perspective gained from studying Nonconceptuality, please share it below. If you have any questions about Nonconceptuality feel free to leave them and perhaps an answer will appear.
Dec 26, 2022
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We'd love to get to know you better. Take a moment to say hi to the community in the comments.
Dec 26, 2022
In General Discussion
We want everyone to get the most out of this community, so we ask that you please read and follow these guidelines: Respect each other Keep posts relevant to the forum topic No spamming
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